Monday, March 5, 2012

It's already March???

I am probably the world's worst blogger ... I haven't written a post since 2010 ... terrible terrible blogger.  In that time so many things have happened ... the biggest being that my husband is now a member of the Australian Defence Forces ... I have been diagnosed with PCOS and almost 3 years after first starting our "trying to conceive journey" (yes yes .. I know we're journeyed out after the latest glut of reality tv shows) we have had ZERO positive pregnancy tests or BFN as it's known in the world of infertility.  Yes .. that's right I am infertile - the technical term gets applied after you've been trying (at my age) for 12 months or more.

I'm sure that I will post more about this in posts to come but enough about that right now ...

In other news ... DH and have a challenge going!  I have been struggling to lose weight, fluctuating between 4 and 6kgs lost so to motivate both of us (he to bulk up and me to bulk down :) haha) the winner gets to choose their prize ... I have to lose 10kgs and he has to sport a 6 pack!  First one to goal wins!  I will say here that DH is already fairly fit and has the beginnings of a 6 pack already ... whereas I have been stalled at 4kgs lost for a month or more.  Who's got the harder task I ask you?? :)


Sunday, March 28, 2010

I'm a bad blogger!

I know it's been months since I added to this thing. In that time some big things have happened ... notably .... my grandfather sadly passed away, I started a new job ... and lots of smaller insignificant things. Also, my garden basically died - all but my herbs - the rosemary, thyme, parsley and oregano. I also have a small tomato plant and 2 capsicums. It's pitiful really ... the grass got so long after weeks of rain that I could no longer see my garden and my husband thought it was a good idea to just mow over parts of my gardens so I lost some cabbage, some spring onion and sweet potato ... time to start over I guess.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Strawberries and other winter goodies

Flowers ... there are actually flowers in my strawberry plant!! And today I looked and there was a fruit! Oh my god ... I get to eat some strawberries (fingers crossed) from my own garden! No pics cause I only had time to dart out and water, pull one or two weeds and plant some sprouting carrot tops and an onion. It seems like forever since I've been out there and it shows ... weeds weeds everywhere. But, the vegies seem to be doing ok on their own. Cabbage is going well, onions look to be as well and spinach - that's ready to pick! The choko vine is starting to creep along the ground so I guess I should put some kind of lattice or bamboo structure up. I'm not sure what to do with it because I'm not a huge choko fan. Guess I can spread them around the family.

Been so sick with the flu but the fact that I actually want to get outside in the half hour of sunlight left in the day by the time I make it home means I'm finally feeling better. About a week ago I got given a length of sugar cane that has some buds on it so I cut the bottom half off and planted it at the back of the vegie patch. Will see what happens with that ... even if I never use the cane it will make great mulch when I cut it back (I hope).

My dear husband broke off my poor little frangipani survivor that I appropriated from our last rental place ... it almost died in the pot I put it in waiting to be transplanted. I guess not watering it might have been the culprit. It finally got planted and I got a little growth before winter set in and the leaves dropped off ... then he kicked it on his way to put the bin out and it snapped. :( I was annoyed but I put the broken piece back into the ground ... hopefully this one takes as well.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Harvests in the garden

Although I have been picking a few things here and there - like a few leaves off the lettuce, some herbs and a few capsicums (sweet peppers) - I haven't really thought of it as harvesting because these have been few and far between - apart from the herbs. But today I have to say that I did a mini-harvest on my (sadly) quite neglected vegie plot. Wedding and honeymoon now out of the way - I planted the sweet potato that was sprouting hidden in the bottom of the pantry and harvested the two Golden Nugget pumpkins that survived on the vine and ripped the withering vine out - discovering the cucumbers I planted about 2 months ago have now got fruit on them! They've been mostly hidden by the pumpkin. I can't wait to pick some of those! Here are the 2 good sized pumpkins we ended up with below:

I also managed to pick a few beans that were ready and a few passionfruit! The passionfruit vine has been here since we moved in. We got back from honeymoon and found that the neighbours, who have been landscaping their front yard have cut back what was growing on their side. Shame because it was growing so well ... I guess I will try and trellis it across the fence and keep it trimmed on our side. There is also a mango tree which was also growing when we bought here. It's shot up so much in one year - it's grown about 60-70cms and becoming quite leafy. I can just imagine sitting under it's shade in the next few years.

My Valencia Orange looked to be dead a few months ago - all the leaves fell off one by one it seemed and the branches turned brown. I thought I would be digging it up and replacing it and pondered whether it was the colony of strange white bottomed ants that were quite obviously living under the roots that had caused it's demise (every time I gave the orange a drink they would swarm out in quite alarming numbers trying to escape the water). However, below the graft (a grafted variety - not sure what the root stock is) - a few sprouts came up. They have since grown strongly and more have popped up. Although I realise that the root stock is generally a variety that doesn't fruit as well - I'm willing to give the poor thing a chance. It will get at least a year to prove it's viability before I consider replacing it with another tree.

I could tell winter was on it's way - all the leaves have dropped off the frangipani stalk I have. It's still growing but no leaves alas - it just looks like a stick stuck into the ground. At least my gardenias are still strong and green and the strawberry - although nibbled on - is still growing strongly.

I'm looking into what I should plant this month - I have seeds, mostly supermarket varieties but am considering ordering some organic seeds or buying seedlings. We're quite busy getting the house back into order so not sure I will have the energies or time to devote to coaxing seedlings into life.